Literacy Skills Evaluation
A comprehensive Literacy Skills Evaluation can determine if your child fits a typical learning profile of dyslexia or not. Evaluations include four or five formal standardized and norm-referenced assessments which will reveal strengths in weaknesses of literacy skills. We look at various components of oral language, word-level decoding, nonsense word decoding, passage reading, reading rate, reading accuracy, reading fluency, reading comprehension, written expression, spelling, and most importantly phonological processing. This evaluation will provide you with concrete data that will help you better understand your child’s struggles with written language and provide concrete recommendations for moving forward. The formal documents, including a 10 page written report, can be used to help your child receive accommodations or services at school. It can also be used to help your child receive a formal diagnosis of dyslexia from a qualified provider.
Evaluations consist of a brief phone consultation with a scheduling date. On the day of testing, an intial interview with parent(s) and student is conducted, lasting approximately 30 minutes. A vareity of assessments are then administered, lasting approximately 2 1/2 hours. A follow-up appointment is then scheduled (typically within two weeks) to review the data, interpretation, and recommendations.